Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Yet another pathetic day for America

The Senate is in the process of passing the new FISA bill, including all the heinous immunity clauses intact. What we have here, folks, is the gutting of the 4th Amendment, the enshrinement of a royal presidency, and the loss of checks and balances in our system of government. Think I'm being overdramatic? This bill enables anyone in the executive branch to compel private citizens and businesses to secretly spy on anyone without triggering any of the legal safeguards our Constitution provides for us. Every single phone call, email, text, letter, and conversation you have, any TV program you watch, any radio station you listen to, and virtually anything else you do, can now be recorded by the government and used by them to do anything it wants. Lest you be one of the shortsighted ignoramuses who are saying, "If you have nothing to hide, why should it bother you?", think about this the next time you apply for a loan, or are going through a divorce, or are applying for a job, or are arrested, or have to appear in court, or any other freaking thing having to do with anything other than breathing: there's nothing you've ever done that can't have been recorded (without you knowing about it), and held against you (without you knowing what it was), and you don't get any chance to fight it, because no one has to reveal any of it--to you, or your attorney, or the judge trying your case. Legally. Unless, of course, the Supreme Court rightfully rejects it as unconstitutional. I'm sure Scalia, Roberts, and the rest of those tools will save us, right? Uh huh.
All in the name of national security. What a horrible, sad day. You win again, right wing scumbags. I hope you all die painfully and soon, and may you rot in hell for all eternity. Record that, motherfuckers.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

you'll really like THIS then:

1:43 PM  
Blogger bryduck said...

Nice. Of course, the real question is: how did this end up getting reported by the Washington Times?

1:48 PM  

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