The enemy, defined
Daily Kos has produced a poll in which self-identified Republicans, of whom nothing more needs to be said at this point than they must truly be witless to remain so, responded to a whole host of questions about issues and President Obama. The answers are among the most depressing data points I've ever seen compiled in one document. Among the lowlights is this tidbit, surely the most ironic answer ever, given the outrageously "patriotic" noise these clowns make: 42% of the respondents either think their state should secede or aren't sure.
Simply put: yikes.
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Simply put: yikes.
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Meh, it wouldn't bother me if the Bible Belt seceded from the Union.
You have to admit, it would pretty much instantly improve politics in America not having to deal with the fundie idiots.
The problem is that the fundies are only one part of the Republican party, albeit their most vocal and well-organized.
Secondly, how do you define "Bible Belt"? Obama and some Congressional Dems carried VA and NC, Obama took FL, Dems have big influence in AR and LA, etc. We even came close in TX, and many argue that because of the rising tide of immigration, we will soon claim it as well.
What we have to do is convince fundies that the Repubs are using them for electoral fodder and finances only (which has the added attraction of being true), and will never give them the stupid and scary legislation that they really want. Since the Dems won't, either, they will be politically marginalized to the fringes where their beliefs best belong, or return to their apolitical caves once again, to rant and rave on street corners attempting to save our souls instead of enslaving them politically, economically, and socially. If we can rid the Repubs of their crazy base, we will either succeed in converting back to a relatively sane entity or in killing them off completely, and I'm good either way.
Thoreau, in "Civil Disobedience," said, "Let every man make known what kind of government would command his respect and that will be one step toward obtaining it."
So, Bro Duck, what kind of government would command YOUR respect?
One that had people in it that told the truth and fought for what they believed in, not what would sell well. One that had smart people in it that cared about the country's future, not just their own. One that had people in it that were capable of compromising and bargaining in good faith. One where the people in it couldn't be sold to the highest--or any--bidder. The one the Founding Fathers envisioned and set up, in other words.
Yes, if I wanted to know how Republicans thought, I'd go to a Daily Kos poll. Hahahahahaha!
Way to seek the truth!
1) If you had bothered to check, you'd know that the poll wasn't done by Daily Kos; almost every poll taken is done at the behest of some organization, as this one was.
2) The polling company's methodology is above reproach--no one has even challenged the results, because the poll was faithful to all statistical standards.
3) Aside from your ignorant dismissal, would you like to point out what results you think are un"truth"ful, and on what you base your opinion? Or would you simply like to continue to deny reality and the ways we analyze it without bothering to learn anything, as befits a modern day conservative?
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