Monday, November 26, 2007

Check out my new ride (maybe)

I've been thinking seriously about ditching my Beetle once I pay it off (which will happen in the next month or so). I like the car, but mainly because it's cute and very blue. Driving a manual is supposed to be "fun", but I haven't gotten into it--I still feel like I'm destroying the clutch with each shift, after 4 full years! And the road noise eats up my stereo's bass like nobody's business.
Consumer Reports tells me that a Toyota Camry hybrid would be a quiet, and much more fuel-efficient, upgrade, and until today I had decided that I would probably get one. Today, though, I was alerted to this thing:
It's called an Aptera, and it's not as far out as you might imagine. Apparently, they are designing two options: one is a total electric and the other is a 130-300 mpg hybrid. There is room for 2 adults and a child (or "15 bags of groceries"), and has all the airbags anything else does, and electronics like few others do included in the price. Because of its weight and design, it is categorized as a motorcycle, which might necessitate getting a different class of driver's license (the site does not say), but I've done that before. For a $500 reservation fee (deducted from the cost or refunded if I decide not to buy one when my turn comes), I can get in line. Full electric is approximated to be $27K and the hybrid (which I would choose) is $30K--exactly the same as the Camry!
I'm sure the road noise will be pretty bad in the Aptera, so I won't gain anything there, but there is a significantly higher "wow" factor, doncha think? They are supposed to begin production any day now--seriously.
What do you think?

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Blogger sporksforall said...

That thing is BEYOND cool. I want you to get it, just so I can ride in it. Of course, Teresa says I'm more enthusiastic about this kind of thing than is healthy for everyone's wallets.

You'll need an M1 license in California. The best way to do it is to take the Motorcycle Foundation Safety course. If you pass their riding test (which they'll teach you how to do), you only need to take the written test with the DMV. If I can do that, anyone can...

9:13 AM  
Blogger bryduck said...

Since I was thinking of also getting a new Vespa, I've been thinking of doing that anyway. It's possible that the Aptera might beget a new classification (or be re-classified as a car), also . . .
And you can tell T that since this would make the same dent in my wallet as the Camry up front, I would actually save money, based on its mpg. It's win/win!

9:40 AM  
Blogger Slangred said...

Win, win, indeed. Its stance seems a bit wider than a normal car's though--does that mean your Aptera will be spooning up with my car in the parking garage? ;)

5:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to rain on your parade, son, but getting a new model during its first year of production is really taking a chance on outrageous maintenance/repair costs. Besides, you couldn't drive that sucker on the freeways, could you? It looks like it would take flight if you got up to Fway speed! As I have found out with little cars - they're not too visible to the gas guzzler big deals. One such as yours wouldn't have that prob - people will stare at it trying to figure out what it is!
Love, GOM

11:00 AM  
Blogger bryduck said...

While I agree with you in re: early runs of autos, my guess is that these people will have spent a whole bunch of time and thought in order to make their first foray into the business a successful one, which would hopefully include a very generous warranty.
It is entirely freeway safe, according to the makers; they have a video on their site that shows what happens when a semi passes it (nothing).

1:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hell, i drive a 1991 740 with 288k on it. I would consider a vespa before i'd buy a new car, especially if my current car was almost paid off. i'd rather not be making payments every month. just my .02

3:56 PM  
Blogger bryduck said...

Believe me, I totally understand not wanting to make car payments. Otoh, 1) I want to get more than 23 mpg; and 2) I want to be less reliant on gasoline in the first place. That's worth it, I think.

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'd like to get more than 25 mpg, too, but i'm not about to go 30k in the hole to do it. the math just doesn't add up for me. the savings in gasoline dollars does not add up.
if the new car is 30K, let's be generous and say they give you 10K for the beetle and you decide to make a down payment of 2K. Your monthly payemnt (@6%) is 423. you end up paying over $2K in interest on a 48 month loan. i doubt you're gonna save that much on gasoline, even with the hybrid's mpg; the $$$ just don't work out yet. certainly not if you're buying a new ride.

10:37 AM  
Blogger bryduck said...

It's not about the gas $ savings for me, although the difference between 23 mpg and 230 mpg (which is what their actual car has done) is considerable--instead of paying $40+/3 weeks and increasing, I'll spend $4+. It's mostly about the planet and supporting better technologies and organizations.
The beetle is currently blue booked at around $14K--I'll sell it myself and take the cash to the dealer for a down--so I'm only looking at $16K for a new car. I got a 2.9% loan for the Beetle; my credit rating has only gotten better since then, although I grant you that that number may be hard to beat anyway.

11:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure where you're getting your stats from, Toyota claims 34 mpg for the Camry hybrid. The Aptera might get good mileage, I'd hate to think what the insurance payments would be like. Aside from the immediate "wow" factory, I see little that would make the Aptera a viable freeway legal vehicle. You're still better off getting a Vespa for around town and sticking with the (paid for) Beetle.

12:59 PM  
Blogger bryduck said...

1) The 23 mpg is what I get from the Beetle. The 230 mpg is, granted, their own claim from the "About Aptera" page. 2) What makes you think the Aptera won't be a "viable freeway vehicle"? Have you even checked out their web site?

9:45 AM  
Blogger bryduck said...

By the way, acc'd to Aptera, I would not need an "M" class license to drive it, it fits in standard parking spaces, and I would be allowed to use the carpool lanes . . .

9:47 AM  

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