Saturday, October 11, 2008

McCain shooting craps

Most people who know me know I love to hear the phrase, "Do you know who I am?" come from self-important celebrities trying to get out of something (or get something they don't deserve). It's a classically bad form of arrogance and entitlement, and I love hearing stories where it gets used and fails. Well, here's one about our buddy John "I'm unhinged and losing it" McCain. The beauty of this one is that it involves my favorite table game craps, and one of my least favorite people in the world behaving like a total freak. I especially like the part where the pit boss had to get involved (which only happens when something questionable is occurring, and their word in a casino is pretty much the final word you will hear before being tossed out in the street); McCain throws the line in his face as well, unsurprisingly.

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