Saturday, December 06, 2008

Smirky and the boys say: Poison's all right by us!

I hope everybody out there already knows that the outgoing felons in the Administration are doing everything they can to destroy what's left of, well, everything they can. Regulations--those regulations that still exist after 28 years of gutting, that is--are being eliminated, standards for healthy living are being relaxed, and virtually any Executive branch oversight is getting cut. The latest on the chopping block--perchlorate, a toxin derived from rocket fuel (just in case you might think this is no big deal) that has found its way into the water of 35 states; over 150 public water systems are already known to contain it. Smirky has given the ok, though, to actually exempt restrictions on perchlorate. The EPA is set to stop testing our drinking water for it by the end of the year.
You might think that this disgrace, in addition to all the others, can be instantly corrected by the incoming Obama Administration, but you'd be wrong. To get a substance added to the list of things that the EPA monitors takes years, especially given the incredible legal and political resistance put up by the industrial polluters and their lobbyists. Unfortunately, it only takes a few strokes of a pen--and the complete disregard for human life that the Republican Party's leader in the Executive Branch has--to take them off.
Among other things, perchlorate reaches breast milk and therefore any babies that might be breastfeeding, and has been proven to negatively affect the thyroid gland. "It is known to lower thyroid hormone levels in women; it poses a particular threat to pregnant women and breast-feeding children, whose long-term neurological development can be stunted by youthful hormone imbalances." Water filters that include activated charcoal will remove perchlorate, so please make sure everyone you care about is filtering their tap water!


Blogger Slangred said...

Holy crap. Or, I guess, truly unholy crap.

12:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know why you care. When Jesus comes back in 2000, he will cleanse the world in fire. None of this will matter. Oh, wait, that was 8 years ago. You lied to us James Watt!!!!

5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:03 PM  

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