Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Alberto, Alberto, Alberto

Our esteemed, er, embattled, er, real estate lawyer posing as the nation's Attorney General (that's right, he is supposed to represent the citizens of the country, not the White House, or the Administration, or the Republican Party, in case 6 years of evidence has clouded your knowledge of the functions of the office) was forced to testify in front of a Senate committee last week. Gonzales had weeks to prepare for his appearance. You would think that during that time he would have boned up on his past meetings with various members of Congress, his aides, his Smirky, and his Slugboy (that would be KKKarl Rove) to pin down dates, times, and agendas (agendae?) that the Senators might ask him about. Instead, his testimony was riddled with bizarre claims of forgetfulness and ignorance. (By one count, he uttered "I don't recall" or some similar phrase a total of 77 times during the course of his single day.)
Now, I'm hardly one to talk about not remembering conversations, dates, and times, as TBO will happily tell anyone. But I'm not the freaking Attorney General, either, for chrissakes! It is incumbent upon him (and all other members of any government, in this country, at any rate) to keep records of every single bit of correspondence, every phone call, and at least the minutes of every meeting he makes or holds. Under penalty of law, that is, and since he is the "Top Cop" of the entire country, one might be tempted to think he would want to be above reproach in this respect.
One who has been brain dead for the last 6 years, that is. Of course there are no records or remembrances of anything by anyone remotely connected with this Administration, especially one of the central players. The crimes of these men and women will remain untold for years (if they ever see the light of day), simply because nothing has ever been recorded, in direct defiance of Federal law. And guess who has jurisdiction over Federal law? Why, none other than our friend Alberto, natch.
You see, Gonzales did indeed use his time to prepare for his testimony. He found out exactly what he didn't have to tell the Senate committee; he knows what evidence is, or more pertinently, isn't, out there that anyone can use against him or the rest of the felons in office. I'm sure he spent every last minute of every last day before last Thursday digging for proof of the truth--so he could safely avoid testifying about it!
No surprises once again, of course--heck, these clowns are on record (numerous times) as believing that the Executive Branch is above the law, so what does it matter if Gonzales perjures himself, or covers up crimes, or simply refuses to say anything remotely resembling the facts or the truth to anyone? Smirky's got his back. And since he's the President, that's all that matters. Unless more Congressmen and women decide that the nascent Imperial Rome of Caesar and Augustus is not an appropriate model for the nation, that is, and impeach these Shivan bastards ASAP.

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Blogger Slangred said...

Yeah, I do mention your forgetfulness perhaps more than I should, but when you "don't recall," it's because you really don't recall!!
I can't believe these bastards. I really can't.

3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're doin' a great job, Gonzy!

8:18 PM  

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