Sunday, September 11, 2005

Will Katrina blow Smirky away too?

While nowhere near the first response most of us to the left of center have had to this tragedy, the politicization of Katrina began before it even made landfall. The most egregious example of it, naturally, came yesterday when Smirky led off his radio address--he can't even be bothered to go on the teevee; that's how much he cares for the Katrina victims!--by talking about 9/11. So I feel entitled to ask and answer this question that so many of us would love to hear a resounding "Yes!" to.
The answer, of course, is, "Are you kidding me? Why should it?" Let's recap, shall we? This Administration has:

1) Lied and bullied its way into power by sending, under cover of darkness, its stormtroops into Florida during the recounts in 2000, terrorizing the vote tabulators and officials into quitting early and often.
2) Lied and bullied both its allies and opponents in Congress whenever possible, making sure that any who oppose its policies have been characterized as unpatriotic following 9/11, regardless of whether those policies have been foreign or domestic.
3) Relentlessly pursued its domestic agenda of class warfare against the poor and middle class, regardless of the actual needs of the economy or welfare of the country, its citizens, or the world as a whole.
4) Disregarded the world community's attitudes or desires in an attempt to bully the world into accepting an imperial Pax Americana, ignoring the plentiful lessons history has for us that condemn such foolhardy hallucinations.
5) Actually broken Federal law by exposing the identity of an undercover operative.
6) Continually refuses to obey the law regarding the Separation of Powers clause of our Constitution by engaging in obstructive practices whenever asked for documents or information necessary for Congress to do its job properly.

Bush personally has:
1) Ordered the deaths and woundings of thousands upon thousands of Americans, Afghanis, and Iraqis without a shred of conscience or clear idea as to purpose, unless we are to believe our eyes, ears, and minds and conclude that the "War on Terror" is all about war profiteering for Smirky's buddies, with just a smidgen of childish pique, all based on lies perpetrated to the American public.
2) Participated in the ever more premature and sickeningly ironic charade that was his staged photo opportunity aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln--"Mission Accomplished" indeed.
3) Traveled the country attempting to convince us to dismantle Social Security, failing miserably.
4) Continually failed to hold any of his associates accountable for their failings or illegal actions, contrarily praising them or awarding them medals instead.
5) Refused to take responsibility for any of the actions of his Administration or political party, even though he is its head, unless they redounded to his credit.

And he is still around. As is everyone he still wants by his side. Anyone thinking the devastation of an entire city and the surrounding area is going to affect him or his cronies, even given the blatantly negligent incompetence of his Administration's response, isn't paying attention. Smirky's already killed far more Americans, caused far more harm to our economy, and cost the taxpayers far more money, than Katrina possibly could. Should a blog entry on 9/11 have been about something more elegiac? Perhaps if we had a President or a political leadership that even appeared to care about America's true ideals or Americans' dreams and hopes, my patriotism would have taken a different tack today, but until that happens, 9/11 will only inspire disgust and hatred. Disgust and hatred not of those who attacked us, tragically, but of those who continue to profit from it cynically, either monetarily or politically, or, in this Administration's case, both. Impeach Bush? No. Arrest, convict, and condemn him and his cronies to death for their crimes against humanity.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you make me laugh..

11:22 AM  
Blogger bryduck said...

I'm really not sure what you mean by this--are you being sarcastic and are amused by what our country is going through? If so, that's sick.

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't read sarcasm in this message. I do hope you have real facts to back up what you're saying.....

9:58 AM  
Blogger bryduck said...

For the most part, my statements are interpretations of actual events openly acknowledged, even by the Administration. Our soldiers and Iraqis are dying, and Smirky is the C-in-C, for example, and Valerie Plame was outed by a member of this Administration, etc. What things are you questioning? If you do not believe that the Admin is actively engaged in favoring the rich through its domestic agenda, we can have a conversation about the budgets they've proposed, or the various tax cuts enacted, etc.

8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sad thing about Katrina & the guy who said Smirky hates black people is he only got it half right - the C-in-C hates POOR people. Is there any way in this world that we will EVER get an accounting of where all the money people have donated has gone when this huge rebuilding is over? I would be surprised if half of it goes where the need is....

4:28 PM  
Blogger bryduck said...

That depends on your definition of "need", of course. Smirky let us all know that a bunch of $ is going to go to rebuilding Lott's beachfront house, didn't he?

11:27 AM  

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